The LUMOMED therapy was specially developed for the treatment of inner ear diseases such as tinnitus,
dizziness, sudden hearing loss and deafness. Learn more about this effective and gentle treatment method.
Causes and Symptoms
The term tinnitus aurium (from the Latin “the ringing of the ears”) or short tinnitus describes the perception of sound within the human ear in the absence of corresponding external sound. The person affected, thus, hears noises that have no perceivable outer source. A “subjective tinnitus” is a symptom of an underlying illness of the inner ear. It is sometimes also referred to as a syndrome. Unlike this the “objective tinnitus” is caused by an endogenic source (= a source within the own body) which is discernible or at least measurable. Objective tinnitus though is very rare in comparison to subjective tinnitus.
Subjective Tinnitus
Inflammations of the ear
Otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear)
Otitis externa (inflammation of the outer ear)
Diseases of the middle ear that are accompanied by a disturbance of sound transmission (e.g. otosclerosis)
Viral or bacterial infections (e.g. borreliosis = lyme disease)
Acoustic trauma
acute: an explosion near the ear, gunshots
chronic: long-term exposure to loud noises (such as loud music in discotheques or from machinery)
Acute idiopathic hearing loss
Diving accidents
Caisson disease (divers’ paralysis/decompression illness)
Barotrauma (injuries of the ear drum caused by sudden changes in atmospheric pressure)
Morbus Menière (attacks of rotatory vertigo)
Autoimmune diseases of the inner ear
Ototoxic substances
Acoustic neurinoma (a tumor of the auditory nerve/8th cranial nerve)
Objective Tinnitus
Vascular malformations
Palatal nystagmus
Tubal malfunctions
Causes and Symptoms
Menière’s disease (Morbus Menière) is a disorder of the inner ear that is characterized by attacks of rotatory vertigo, one-sided hearing loss and tinnitus. If these three symptoms occur simultaneously we speak of Menière’s Triad. The disease usually occurs between the ages of 40 to 60 and affects more men than women.
Vertigo (Morbus Menière) – SYMPTOMS
Menière’s attacks come in bouts that can recur after varying intervals, sometimes years apart. Some patients might only experience one or two episodes in their lifetime. The disease often starts without the full Menière’s Triad, beginning with either hearing loss, tinnitus, or vertigo. Typically, it progresses to the complete syndrome within a year.
A typical Menière’s attack involves severe rotatory vertigo with nausea and vomiting, lasting minutes to hours. The vertigo can be so intense that patients cannot stand and worsens with movement, even persisting when immobile. Between attacks, patients usually do not experience balance disturbances.
The hearing deterioration which occurs during the attacks concurs with the onset or the increase in volume of a tinnitus. The typical tinnitus associated with Morbus Menière is of a low frequency. The impairment caused by the tinnitus in this case is often only moderate or even minor.
Preceding the attacks patients frequently experience a sensation of pressure in the affected ear as well as an intensification of the tinnitus, symptoms which may announce the onset of a new attack to the patient.
Sudden Hearing Loss
Causes and Symptoms
Acute idiopathic hearing loss is a sudden disturbance of ones sound sensation which usually occurs one-sided and without a discernible cause (idiopathic). The degree of hearing loss can range anywhere from a minor loss to complete deafness. It can affect all frequencies or be limited to only a few. Acute idiopathic hearing loss which is defined as hearing loss with no discernable cause must be differentiated from hearing disturbances with a clearly identifiable cause. The course of acute idiopathic hearing loss is very varied. But a relatively high rate of spontaneous recovery has been reported. This spontaneous recovery is an expression of the high individual ability for nerve cell regeneration (= auditory and balance cells). High dosage Low-Level-Laser therapy according to Dr. Wilden® as well as MLS home therapy strengthen and stimulate the ability of the overstrained cells of the inner ear to regenerate and, thus, heal.
Characteristic and defining is a sudden, usually one-sided onset of hearing loss. In most cases no triggering or causative factors can be found. A one-sided sensation of pressure and a ringing in the ears (tinnitus, in most cases of high frequency) may be the first signs of imminent hearing loss.
In addition to the hearing loss other symptoms may occur simultaneously:
Tinnitus – 80 %
Sensation of pressure in the ear
Hypersensitivity for noise (hyperacusis)
Distortion of hearing (dysacusis)
Hearing of double sounds – a sound is normal in
one but higher in the other (affected) ear
Stinging pain in or around the ear
Skin feels “numb” or “like cotton wool” (partially because there is no acoustic feedback when the outer ear is touched)
Vertigo – 30 %
Hearing Loss - Causes and Risk Factors
According to some experts especially two groups of people are at risk:
People who have risk factors for strokes or heart attacks, e.g. overweight, high blood pressure, diabetes or a disorder of the fat metabolism (hypercholesterolemia) and smokers
People who are exposed to a lot of stress
However, there is no scientific proof of these theories. In his reference book “Der Hörsturz” the ENT-expert and scientist Olaf Michel writes the following about the often postulated link between stress and acute idiopathic hearing loss: Due to a lack of other possible explanations – acute idiopathic hearing loss usually strikes otherwise healthy people – the affected person may construct an inaccurate causal link between always present episodes of stress and the acute idiopathic hearing loss.
Hearing can be a pleasure. Therefore, many people suffer of acute or chronic illnesses of the inner ear. Has the pleasure of hearing turned into a concern for you? Then it’s about time that something changes!
Therapy centers for laser and pain therapies.
Revitalizes the congested cells and stimulates their cell metabolism.
Tinnitus is the pain signal of deprived auditory cells.
Luci Basic mobile therapy system against tinnitus, vertigo and hearing loss. Therapy centers for laser and pain therapies.
Promote repair and regeneration processes and has an important effect on Insertions pathologien and osteoarthritis.
Quality with innovation for easy handling, practical uses and effective therapy.
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